Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why Christian?

I am sitting here thinking, “Why Christian” to a lot of questions that for a true Christian should be common sense and in a Christian country should be second nature, but only if you follow God, the Bible, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If you are truly a Christian, you must agree and realize that God is never changing and doesn't make mistakes. His reasoning is beyond our comprehension and methods are unperceivable to us; this is why I have to ask” Why Christian?” These questions do have answers, many of these questions may be offensive if you are not following God; your conviction is will let you know.

What about our Christian walk?

Why Christian, in America where 78% of our citizens claim to be Christian, is our Christian rights being attacked daily without a massive uprising?

Why Christian, do we allow and condone the murder of thousands of God's children (abortion) every year, with these procedures being performed on Christian by people calling themselves Christian?

Why Christian, do we allow and condone leaders in churches who openly perform un-Christian perverted sexual acts to have positions of authority in our churches or denominations and say we are following Christ?

Why Christian, if we are following God’s teachings and the Bible, is the Christian divorce rate just a few percentage points behind 49% that of the secular worlds 52%?

Why Christian, have you perverted God’s word so much that 50%+ of denominations preach blasphemy when compared with the Bible and many "Christians" have not read the Bible enough to know?

Why Christian, do we that claim to be Christian, but we don’t support our church with tithes or time, as the Bible directs?

Why Christian, do you apply Biblical principals on Sunday at church but not to your work ethics the rest of the week, instead applying the principals of the world?

Why Christian, do we have preachers that care more about the Dr. I front of their name than the title Reverend, Father, or Pastor given by God?

Why Christian, do we have fashion shows in church every Sunday and scorn, ridicule, and belittled those who can’t meet “our” standards of dress?

Why Christian, do you not invite some one of a different race or financial standing, especially if they are struggling to have dinner, a night out, or even an anonymous vacation on you, if God has blessed you with the ability?

Why Christian, do we help people who are needy in our own congregation but will never go outside your congregational doors or to other churches or denominations who also need help?

Why Christian, do we take actions claiming  "it is the will of God" when we know it is our own selfish will?

What about politics?

Why Christian, do we allow the US Constitution to be pervert and allow attacks on the same amendment which says churches have freedom of speech and will not be restricted yet let the politicians say "you must have separation of Church and State" when it actually say you can’t have a state founded church, not separation of Church and state?

Why Christian, are we not replacing our politicians, Republican and Democrat, who are voting for everything anti-Christian and are against the Biblical principals which are the guidance for Christians.

Why Christian, in a land that is for the people is the highest seat in the nation only obtainable by the richest people, some of which claim to be Christian but their action show the truth and we know they are not?

Why Christian, have we went from setting goals to help our children achieve their potentials to holding them down with the ones that wish to achieve nothing?

Why Christian, would your everyday actions be totally different if Jesus was walking with you in the flesh?

Why Christian, won’t we come out in force to vote and let everyone know that Christian’s following God’s teachings do have a strong and united voice?

Why Christian, do we vote for the political party we grew up with instead of the candidate that is doing God’s bidding?

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