Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Christian Criminals

What is a Christian Criminal?  I know a lot of our brothers and sisters have been persecuted, suffering, and even dyeing at the hands of criminals but that is not what I am talking about.  I am not talking about what is being done to Christians but more on the line of what are “Christians” doing to non-Christians and even other Christians.  The actions we display as Christians will show if we are Christian Criminals or not.  Which one are you.  To find out if you are a Christian Criminal you must first find out what is a Christian Criminal?  A Christian is a person that claims Jesus is the Christ, their savior, the only path to heaven, and will try to become in action as close as possible to following the nature of Jesus.  A criminal is one who is guilty of crimes or a serious offense, one who is reprehensible, blameworthy, and/or disgraceful.  What would you consider a Christian Criminal? A Christian Criminal to me is one that violates, skews, changes, removes or adds their human doctrine, ideology, or wills to change what the Bible says and what the will of God and/or the Holy Ghost is to match their wants.  This is not a question of if you are or are not a Christian, even good Christian can be led astray by people who deceived like the Devil.  If you have a problem with what I have said I can back it up verse by verse.  If it still bothers you, or doesn’t bother you at all, you need to make sure you are one of God’s children and/or what your motivation is for being a Christian. 

Let us look in the Bible to see what it says a Christian should be:  John 6:38 “For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.”   To me this says we need to do what God’s will is just as Jesus did.  To many times I have seen people say, “Well I know God would want this” when it is what they want and not the Father.  We do have free will but no matter what you may think, our will doesn’t matter; only God’s does.  You may ask, “Won’t God go against our will anyway?” NO, God will never go against our will even if it means he would have to throw you into the fiery lake later.  He loves you that much.  We need to do what God’s will is but there are things that hinder us.

What is the biggest hindrance that keeps us from doing God’s will?  This question has several answers that people like to debate and ponder.  If you look at all of them it can be boiled down to one thing, human pride.  I will show you a couple of examples. 

  1. You know abortion is wrong.  The murder of thousands of God’s innocent children every day is wrong.  The word of God says it is wrong, but hundreds of people that claim to be “Christians” will go to or send their daughters, and/or wives to get one every day; pride is the reason for this.  I have heard “Christians” say, “but the people will look down on us”, that are their sin.  “He/she will be a bastardized child.”, God loves them just as much as he does you.  We have preachers and deacons making up the same excuses in some churches as the congregation, these are the ones that should be setting the example to the congregation.  I know preachers and deacons that say “the congregation will ask us to leave if they find out.”  If this is the problem than you should leave, because I would not want to raise my child or grandchild in a congregation that is this loss in what God’s true will.  If that congregation is that lost then wipe the dirt from your feet as you leave for it is not of God.

  1. You know that the Bible tells you that being homosexual is wrong.  The Bible has several verses about this but you have people out there that are proud of being gay and “Christian”.  The ones that are not saved all we can do are pray for but the ones that claim to be saved we need to take a closer look.  I have met people that say they are proud to be a gay Christian.  The phrase “gay Christian” is an oxy-moron, being involved in homosexual acts is just as much a sin as any other sin.  If you are boasting and proud about sinning with no conviction at all, then I can tell you with very little doubt, you are not a saved child of God.  Can you be gay and a Christian?  YES, being gay is a sin like any other and if you have a conviction about it, want to change, and you are trying to be what God wants you to be than more than likely you are saved.  Only God and you as with all of us truly know.

  1. The last example I will give you is Church and congregational sin.  If your church, your denomination, or you teach anything that does not come from the Bible as if it does come from the Bible then you, your church, and your denomination are defiling the word of God and committing blasphemy. With this statement some people are going to say, “that’s not in the Bible”, yes it is.  Others will say “our preacher/pastor wouldn’t lead us wrong” I say look at Jones town or Waco.  No matter if your preacher/pastor is a small church preacher or a TV preacher at the crystal palace; check everything they say with the Bible and prayer.  If something is wrong with what they are saying it is your duty to show them their misrepresentation of the verses in the Bible.  If they still have problems with it, bring a brother with you and try again.  If that doesn’t work, bring it up to the Deacons.  If it is still not solved than take it in front of the church, this is what the Bible says and the order we should follow.

I picked these topics because they are the ones that are so well defined in the Bible and that human pride has distorted so much.  The pride of man whether talking about abortion, homosexuality, or any other sin is what causes you to rebel from God.  It can make you live in a perverted life style that is wrong or even murder your own flesh and blood.  You will have people saying “this isn’t a sinful life style; it’s not murdering a Baby”.  The only difference will be, I’m using the Bible, and they aren’t.  They need to look up Leviticus 18:44, Leviticus 20:13, I Kings 14:24, and Romans 1:24-27 for homosexuality.  For abortion look up Exodus 21:22-25, Hosea 9:14, Job 3:16, Psalms 29:6, and I Corinthians 15:8.  Both of these sins are said to be wrong in the Old and New Testament.  Some people’s pride tells them it all changed with Jesus.  Sin didn’t change with Jesus; it is still as ugly as ever. Jesus did bring us forgiveness.  If you are a real Christian you will be forgiven when you repent; if you are a false Christian then you will get the judgement of God without a savior.  Your pride can condemn you to Hell, or your repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your savior can set you free.  The choice is yours.

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