Sunday, October 13, 2013

Christians and Our Big Problems


We are presently in the failing of mankind, you may ask what do I mean by the failing of mankind, we live in the United States. It has to do with history which somehow man keeps repeating and this time (or so it seems) it is the United States’ turn because we didn’t learn. No matter what your beliefs are, this country was founded on God and his principles, this is documented all through our founding documents and their writings no matter how much the secular media twists, distorts and lie about it. The foundation of our great country is Christianity, and we have several groups which want to change the truth, of God’s influence on building this great nation for their worldly views. This will bring the downfall of our great nation if they succeed which due to our non-action is happening. One of the best ways to demonstrate what I am talking about is to compare the Beatitudes with the World Attitudes. The beatitudes are found at Matthew 5: 3-12.

Beatitude 1:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

World Attitude 1:
Blessed are the rich in worldly goods, for their kingdoms they think is heaven (condemning themselves to Hell).

Beatitude 2:
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

World Attitude 2:
Blessed are they who inflict pain, for they shall need no comforted (or receive it as there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth).

Beatitude 3:
Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.

World Attitude 3:
Blessed are the worldly, for they shall possess the earthly good (which they can’t take now where will there soul go)?

Beatitude 4:
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.

World Attitude 4:
Blessed are they who fort and undermined justice, for they shall never be punished (until the judgment day).

Beatitude 5:
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

World Attitude 5:
Blessed are the merciful less, for they shall obtain no mercy (on earth or by God).

Beatitude 6:
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

World Attitude 6:
Blessed are the corrupt of heart, for they shall be their own God (and condemned for eternity).

Beatitude 7:
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

World Attitude 7:
Blessed are the peace breakers, for they shall be seen as Gods (and lead others to Hell as well).

Beatitude 8:
Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

World Attitude 8:
Blessed are they who inflict persecution, injustice and forsake, for theirs is the kingdom of earth (and damnation will follow).

Now that you have read the Beatitudes and World Attitudes, which are you following; are we as “Christians” doing what God has called us to do or are we following the world? What are the problems with Christians? Did you know when it comes to Christianity, there are three basic groups calling themselves Christian? One of the first two groups will be the one to turn most people who need saving away from God and his church through their arrogant attitudes.

We have what I like to call Relational Christians. These are people claiming to be because they or their family have always went to church. They do not follow any of the commandments and rules or have any conviction of what they are doing as wrong. They may attempt to pray when required and only asks for forgiveness when they are caught or in a bind. They have no idea at all what Christianity is about and have never been close to being saved. They are found in all denominations including Catholic, Baptist, Church of Christ and any other you want to pick; without change, they are condemned to hell.

There is another group I call Worldly or Practicing Christians. They do everything on Sunday and/or if they know someone is watching; they do to a degree follow biblical teachings or at lease on Sunday. Any works they do, they do out of fear and the delusions that they may be able to work their way into Heaven. They have a checklist with areas that need marked to complete the tasks needed to get to Heaven. They follow out of fear of God instead of obedience. They do what is right because they have been taught to do so and do not have a conviction from the Holy Spirit. They do what they do out of fear and they only do enough to get in to Heaven. They have an idea what Christianity is about but it’s not from God. They still think of themselves first instead of God and have never been saved even though they do realize what it is to be saved. These are the ones who force daughters to have abortions or they send them away to have a baby because it wouldn't "reflect" too well on their image. Without change, they too are also condemned to hell.

The last group is True or Professing Christians. They act out of obedience, they read, and study the Bible out of desire to become closer with God. They share their faith without remorse and even when faced with difficult decisions, almost always does what is right. They do make mistakes and have a conviction from the Holy Spirit when they do but they true desire is to serve God out of love and obedience instead of fear. They will go to Heaven.

We are said to be a nation of 75% of Christians but if we were following Christ, we wouldn't be having the problems we are having. We wouldn't be picking politicians who outwardly support none of our Biblical values and would be putting true Christians into office. How can we be a nation of Christians and support any candidate, Democrat or Republican, who supports abortion, the destruction of Biblical Marriage, or the taking of our freedoms bestowed on us from God. We need to come out of our Biblical closet and turn this nation back to what the Founding Fathers created and dedicated to God. Some of you are saying "that is impossible" then you are not believers; true believers know with God on your side, nothing is impossible; are you a true believer or a want a be Christian.

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